OptoMap Retinal Imaging
What is it?
Have you ever had your eyes dilated and wondered what your eye doctor was looking at, and what they were looking for? You might’ve just been told your eyes look healthy and then you were on your way (with very light sensitive eyes).
With OptoMap, this advanced technology takes a photo of the inside of your eyes when your pupils are naturally dilated in a dark environment. This gives us a couple of benefits:
1) When we take a photo of your eyes, we can talk to you about the functions of every structure in the photo, and show you the things we look out for, such as bleeding, scarring, and freckles that you may have not known about.
2) Your eyes do not need to be pharmacologically dilated to take the photo, preventing any induced light sensitivity and allowing you to return to work/school with ease.
Taking a photo also allows us to monitor the health of your eyes for the rest of your life, by offering us a method of comparison to check for changes.
With this invaluable tool, your eye health will be in good hands, and you will come out of our exams knowing more about your eyes than you would have ever known!
We recommend OptoMap for all our patients. OptoMap is usually covered under your vision insurance with a co-pay. Dilation with pharmacological eye drops is recommended if OptoMap is not performed.